Anxiety disorders,symptoms,causes and treatment.


Anxiety disords

What is anxiety?

According to the British scholar, the uncertainty that causes a person to be under stress is called anxiety.
In general, when a person's environment is not emotionally safe, it is called anxiety.

Anxiety and disorders:

.There are many symptoms of anxiety such as anxiety, fear, body tremors, rapid heartbeat

When a person reacts against his emotions, in his defense, adrenaline, a hormone and chemical messenger, is produced. The duration of anxiety depends on his life circumstances.
For example, because of the grief given to a person in general, he remembers it again and again and casts a constant state of sadness upon himself.When anxiety constantly dominates a person, it also affects their daily activities.


  1. Irritability.
  2. Anger at small things.
  3. Dizziness or light-headedness.
  4. Don't sleep on time or sleep late.
  5. Chest pain or shortness of breath.
  6. Pain in the joints.
  7. Feeling like you're going to faint.
  8. Being unhappy with life.
  9. Dry mouth.
  10. Feeling as if you are suffocating.
  11. Not having control over yourself.
  12. Do not take interest in daily activities.
  13. Avoiding crowds.
  14. sitting alone.
  15. Not interested in interacting with people.
  16. Feeling excessively tired.
  17. Losing the ability to make decisions.
  18. Worry about your future.
  19. Fear of losing loved ones like friends and parents.
  20. Feeling that you cannot cope with the situation.
  21. Feeling like you can't focus on anything.
  22. Fear of criticism.
  23. Reluctance to speak in front of people.
  24. Suicidal thoughts ego.
  25. Thinking about unrealistic situations.
  26. Feeling the weather strongly.
  27. .Feeling like you worry about everything.

Types of GAD:

Panic disorder:

Panic disorder is a disease in which a person experiences intense anxiety and panic for a short period of time, such as a few minutes or at most half an hour.
These conditions are so severe that the person feels that he is going to die, he is having a heart attack.
Dry mouth, sweating, body tremors, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, tingling in the feet, feeling as if the blood is rushing through the body.


Basically, Allah Almighty has placed some such centers in the human brain whose function is to sound an alarm when there is danger. Their purpose is to defend ourselves. For example, you are a  You are in the forest and a tiger is chasing you or you are in a building and there has been a severe earthquake. All these symptoms that a panic disorder patient feels can also be felt by a normal person.  Focus on defense.
What happens in panic disorder is that the system that is the alarm system undergoes some changes in it, which then becomes unnecessarily oversensitive, i.e. it then becomes a danger alarm that produces no danger symptoms.  These symptoms are very scary, a state of intense fear and fear is created in the person


Treatment with medicines:

Panic disorder is treated in two ways. One treatment we do is with medication because it is the alarm system that is going on based on some chemicals.  It happens and restores the balance of chemicals again. As the chemicals are restored, this is the alarm system. It returns to its normal level.


Another major treatment for this is psychotherapy. For example, a person thinks that I am having a heart attack. The person thinks that I must have some kind of heart disease, even though the heart rate increases with exercise.  Or it can be due to lack of sleep. We can control panic disorders by changing these thoughts.  Can also be fast Physiotherapy is as effective as medication

Specific phobia:

Specific phobia is a psychological disorder in which a person is afraid of specific things such as fear of heights, fear of needles and fear of falling etc.
Specific phobias can also be inherited after thinking about something feared. Cultural and social influences can influence the development and expression of specific phobias.


Its symptoms include lightheadedness, dizziness, dry mouth, feeling as if something is stuck in the throat, difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, sweating, and this symptom will appear when thinking about something that  He is afraid of it.


A list of the things that a person is afraid of is made and practiced. For example, if a person is afraid of a room, he will first sit in the room with his family, second step will sit alone, third step.  The door will be locked and the fourth step will be to shut off the bulb and sit in the room.


Agoraphobia is a condition in which a person feels fear of going to certain places such as markets, cinemas, big malls, parking areas, closed rooms, elevators, and traveling in public transport.


Fear of going out in crowds can have varying degrees of impact on daily life and functioning, such as difficulty doing things, including increased heart rate.


The cause of agoraphobia can vary from person to person, but some of the causes include extremely stressful life events, imbalances in neurotransmitters such as topamin that regulate mood processes, and financial difficulties can also cause agoraphobia.


It is treated in two ways i.e. through medicine and discussion with a psychologist, the psychologist teaches the patient to face the situation.

Selective Mutism:

Selective mutism refers to a person's inability to speak properly in certain situations, such as in class or when meeting a stranger.


The main cause of selective mutation can be inheritance, usually people who don't meet people much can also be environmental, such as the behavior of people around them.


The best and easiest treatment for this is to communicate with the family in a pleasant manner, besides some medicines or the school teacher can solve these problems with his behavior.

Social anxiety:

Social anxiety refers to a lack of social interaction or feeling shy to talk to people, fear of being laughed at, or fear that is so severe that it interferes with school, neighborhood, and other daily activities.


This is mainly due to growing up in an environment where people criticize the smallest things, which causes an imbalance in the neurotransmitters in his brain.


These symptoms usually appear when he is in a meeting or speaking in front of people, his hands start shaking, his heart beats faster.


It is treated in both ways i.e. Medicine and Psychotherapy Medicine corrects the imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain and then the psychologist tries to explain the affected person through his words.

Separation anxiety:

Separation anxiety refers to the fear of being away from your parents or loved ones and the fear of them leaving is called separation anxiety. It is common in children.


This is usually due to the parents fighting and the distance between them.


Its symptoms usually include headache, stomach pain, nausea and other symptoms


The first method of treatment is called behavior therapy, in which the negative behaviors of the affected person are identified and solutions are devised to eliminate them.

(Thanks for reading)

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